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J.M. Bauer, K.J. Meech, Y.R. Fernández, J. Pittichova (UHIfA), A.C. Delsanti, H. Boehnhardt, O.R. Hainaut (ESO)
We will present the results of optical observations of over 20 Centaur objects over the last 4 years, taken at the University of Hawaii 2.2 meter telescope. Using the Tek 2048 CCD camera as our primary detector, images were obtained in V, R, and I filters with exposures ranging from 30 to 900 seconds to accurately sample the wide span of magnitudes in often sub-arcsecond seeing conditions. Reduction methods were identical for the sample of objects.
These observations were initially undertaken to determine the prevalence of coma amongst Centaur bodies in the outer solar system, but have also yielded information regarding colors, and variation with rotation and viewing, or phase, angle as well. We will present the preliminary colors for each object derived from this survey, along with the inital results of the coma search. We will also present a statistical analysis of their correlation with absolute brightness, orbital elements, and phase angle behavior.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34, #3< br> © 2002. The American Astronomical Soceity.