DPS 34th Meeting, October 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 22. Titan
Oral, Chair(s): M.E. Brown and A. Coustenis, Wednesday, October 9, 2002,
10:10-10:30am and 11:00am-12:30pm, Ballroom
- 22.01 Energetics of Titan's Bizarre Landscape
- R. D. Lorenz (LPL, U. Arizona)
- 22.02 0.85-1 micron Study of Titan's resolved disk : Adaptive Optics Spectro-imaging with CFHT/OASIS
- M. Hirtzig, A. Coustenis (LESIA, Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, 92195 Meudon Cedex, France), O. Lai (LESIA and CFHT, Hawaii,USA), P. Rannou (S. A., Univ. Paris 6 - Univ. de Versailles, France), B. Schmitt (Lab. de Plan�tologie, Grenoble, France), E. Emsellem, A. Pecontal-Rousset (Observatoire de Lyon, France)
- 22.03 Impact of aerosols present in Titan's atmosphere on The Cassini Radar experiment
- S. Rodriguez, P. Paillou, M. Dobrijevic (Observatoire de Bordeaux), G. Ruffie (PIOM), P. Coll, J.M. Bernard (LISA), P. Encrenaz (LERMA)
- 22.04 The surface of Titan: Arecibo radar observations in 2001
- D.B. Campbell (Cornell University/NAIC), G.J. Black (National Radio Astronomy Observatory), L.M. Carter (Cornell University), S.J. Ostro (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
- 22.05 A spherical model for polarized radiation in Titan's atmosphere
- S. V. Salinas (MPI fr Aeronomie), A. V. Rodin (Russian Academy of Sciences), W. J. Markiewicz, H. U. Keller (MPI fr Aeronomie)
- 22.06 Oxygen Chemistry in Titan�s Atmosphere
- E.H. Wilson (Jet Propulsion Laboratory), S.K. Atreya (University of Michigan)
- 22.07 Probing Titan's Lower Atmosphere with Acousto-Optic Tuning
- N. J. Chanover, C. A. Anderson (New Mexico State Univ.), C. McKay (NASA/ARC), P. Rannou (Univ. de Paris 6), D. A. Glenar (NASA/GSFC), J. J. Hillman (U. Maryland)
- 22.08 South polar clouds on Titan imaged with adaptive optics on the Gemini and Keck telescopes
- H.G. Roe, I. de Pater (U.C.~Berkeley), B.A. Macintosh (IGPP/LLNL), C.P. McKay (NASA/ARC)
- 22.09 Adaptive Optics Imaging of a Double Stellar Occultation by Titan
- A. H. Bouchez (Div. of Geol. and Planetary Sci., Caltech), R. A. West (Jet Propulsion Laboratory), M. E. Brown (Div. of Geol. and Planetary Sci., Caltech), M. Troy (Jet Propulsion Laboratory), R. S. Burrus, R. G. Dekany (Palomar Observatory, Caltech)
- 22.10 Clouds at the South Pole of Titan
- M.E. Brown, A.H. Bouchez (Caltech), C.A. Griffith (LPL)
- 22.11 New Adaptive Optics images of Titan with CFHT/PUEO: Atmospheric and Surface features
- A. Coustenis, M. Hirtzig (LESIA, Obs. de Paris-Meudon, France), O. Lai (CFHT, Hawaii, USA and LESIA), M. Combes, E. Gendron (LESIA, Obs. de Meudon, France), Th. Fusco (ONERA/France), P. Rannou (S. A., Univ. Paris 6 - Univ. de Versailles, France), J.-P. Veran (HIA, NRC, Canada), B. Schmitt (Lab. de Plan�tologie de Grenoble, France), E. Bratsolis (E.N.S.T., France)
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