DPS 34th Meeting, October 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 27. Comet Nuclei
Oral, Chair(s): C. Lisse and Y.R. Fernandez, Thursday, October 10, 2002,
2:00-4:00pm, Ballroom
- 27.01 A Numerical Impact Ejecta Model for the Deep Impact Mission
- J. E. Richardson, H. J. Melosh (Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, U. Arizona)
- 27.02 Energy dissipation during sublimation from porous media
- H. U. Keller, Yu. V. Skorov (MPAE, Germany)
- 27.03 The Surface Processes of Comet 19/P Borrelly
- D. T. Britt (University of Tennessee)
- 27.04 Physical Properties of the Nucleus of Comet 28P/Neujmin 1
- B.E.A. Mueller (NOAO), A.M. Heinrichs (Ohio State Univ. & NOAO), N.H. Samarasinha (NOAO)
- 27.05 Spin Evolution and Activity of comet 19P/Borrelly
- N.H. Samarasinha, B.E.A. Mueller (NOAO)
- 27.06 New Dominant Periodicity in Photometry of Comet Encke
- Y.R. Fernandez (UH-IfA), S.C. Lowry, P.R. Weissman (JPL), K.J. Meech (UH-IfA)
- 27.07 Can the Leonid meteors tell us if comets have chondrules and CAIs?
- H. Campins (University of Central Florida), T. D. Swindle (LPL/University of Arizona)
- 27.08 Comet nuclear magnitudes and a new size distribution using archived NEAT data.
- R.J. Bambery, M.D. Hicks, S.H. Pravdo, E.F. Helin, K.J. Lawrence (Jet Propulsion Laboratory/CalTech)
- 27.09 Formation of the Oort Cloud: Coupling Dynamical and Collisional Evolutions of Cometesimals
- S. Charnoz (Equipe Gamma-Gravitation, Universit� Paris 7 & CEA Saclay), A. Morbidelli (Observatoire de la C�te d'Azur)
- 27.10 Migration of comets to near-Earth orbits
- S.I. Ipatov (NRC/NAS Senior Research Associate, NASA/GSFC; Inst. Appl. Math., Moscow), J.C. Mather (NASA/GSFC)
- 27.11 Physical Properties of Bright Comets
- J. Pittichová (Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAV-Slovakia)), K.J. Meech (IfA)
- 27.12 Dynamical Ages of Long-Period Comets
- P. R. Weissman (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
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