DPS 34th Meeting, October 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 39. Laboratory Investigations

Oral, Chair(s): J. Allen and R.A. Baragiola, Friday, October 11, 2002, 8:45-10:15 and 10:45-11:15am, Ballroom

39.01 Laboratory Measurements of the Ka-band (7.5 mm to 9.2 mm) Opacity of Phosphine (PH3) and Ammonia (NH3) Under Simulated Conditions for the Cassini-Saturn Encounter
P. N. Mohammed, P. G. Steffes (Georgia Institute of Technology)
39.02 Study of Cassini Radio Occultation Sensitivity to Atmospheric Constituents Based on New Laboratory Measurements
P.G. Steffes, P.N. Mohammed (Georgia Institute of Technology)
39.03 Submillimeter Spectroscopy of Low Temperature Gases
E.H. Wishnow (LLNL), H.P. Gush, M. Halpern, I. Ozier (U. British Columbia)
39.04 Methane Absorption Coefficients in the 750-940 nm region derived from Intracavity Laser Absorption Spectral Measurements
J.J. O'Brien (Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Missouri-St. Louis)
39.05 Methane \nu4 Relaxation by Nitrogen
B.P. Michael (CUA and NASA/GSFC), J.E. Allen, Jr. (NASA/GSFC)
39.06 Rate Constants for H + Cyanoacetylene Reaction for Nitrile Chemistry in Titan's Atmosphere
R.J. Cody, J.K. Parker, W.A. Payne, L.J. Stief (NASA/GSFC)
39.07 Selecting, Predicting, and Measuring Key Hydrocarbon Photochemistry Reactions: CH3 + CH3 + H2
G. P. Smith, D. L. Huestis, D. Nash (SRI International)
39.08 Huygens Atmospheric Structure Instrument (HASI) test by a stratospheric balloon experiment
M. Fulchignoni, V. Gaborit (LESIA, Observatoire de Paris, France), A. Aboudam, F. Angrilli, M. Antonello, S. Bastianello, C. Bettanini, G. Bianchini, G. Colombatti, F. Ferri, P. Lion Stoppato (CISAS, Universit� di Padova, Italy)
39.09 Infrared band strengths: Laboratory techniques and applications to astronomical observations
P. A. Gerakines (Astro- and Solar-System Physics Program, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham)
39.10 Formation of Meteoritic Organic Molecules by Aqueous Alteration of Interstellar Carbonaceous Materials: a Laboratory Model
E. Saperstein, K. M. Arnoult, T. J. Wdowiak, P. A. Gerakines (Astro- and Solar-System Physics Program, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham)
39.11 Studies of Planetary Materials Using Cryogenic Reflectance Spectroscopy
J.B. Dalton, T.L. Roush (NASA Ames Research Center), C.S. Jamieson (California Polytechnic, San Luis Obispo)
39.12 Laboratory simulations of water ice in the outer solar system
R.A. Baragiola, K. Sekar, M.A. Satorre, D. Pugh, B. Teolis, D.A. Bahr, M. Fama (University of Virginia)

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