DPS 34th Meeting, October 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 39. Laboratory Investigations
Oral, Chair(s): J. Allen and R.A. Baragiola, Friday, October 11, 2002,
8:45-10:15 and 10:45-11:15am, Ballroom
- 39.01 Laboratory Measurements of the Ka-band (7.5 mm to 9.2 mm) Opacity of Phosphine (PH3) and Ammonia (NH3) Under Simulated Conditions for the Cassini-Saturn Encounter
- P. N. Mohammed, P. G. Steffes (Georgia Institute of Technology)
- 39.02 Study of Cassini Radio Occultation Sensitivity to Atmospheric Constituents Based on New Laboratory Measurements
- P.G. Steffes, P.N. Mohammed (Georgia Institute of Technology)
- 39.03 Submillimeter Spectroscopy of Low Temperature Gases
- E.H. Wishnow (LLNL), H.P. Gush, M. Halpern, I. Ozier (U. British Columbia)
- 39.04 Methane Absorption Coefficients in the 750-940 nm region derived from Intracavity Laser Absorption Spectral Measurements
- J.J. O'Brien (Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Missouri-St. Louis)
- 39.05 Methane \nu4 Relaxation by Nitrogen
- B.P. Michael (CUA and NASA/GSFC), J.E. Allen, Jr. (NASA/GSFC)
- 39.06 Rate Constants for H + Cyanoacetylene Reaction for Nitrile Chemistry in Titan's Atmosphere
- R.J. Cody, J.K. Parker, W.A. Payne, L.J. Stief (NASA/GSFC)
- 39.07 Selecting, Predicting, and Measuring Key Hydrocarbon Photochemistry Reactions: CH3 + CH3 + H2
- G. P. Smith, D. L. Huestis, D. Nash (SRI International)
- 39.08 Huygens Atmospheric Structure Instrument (HASI) test by a stratospheric balloon experiment
- M. Fulchignoni, V. Gaborit (LESIA, Observatoire de Paris, France), A. Aboudam, F. Angrilli, M. Antonello, S. Bastianello, C. Bettanini, G. Bianchini, G. Colombatti, F. Ferri, P. Lion Stoppato (CISAS, Universit� di Padova, Italy)
- 39.09 Infrared band strengths: Laboratory techniques and applications to astronomical observations
- P. A. Gerakines (Astro- and Solar-System Physics Program, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham)
- 39.10 Formation of Meteoritic Organic Molecules by Aqueous Alteration of Interstellar Carbonaceous Materials: a Laboratory Model
- E. Saperstein, K. M. Arnoult, T. J. Wdowiak, P. A. Gerakines (Astro- and Solar-System Physics Program, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham)
- 39.11 Studies of Planetary Materials Using Cryogenic Reflectance Spectroscopy
- J.B. Dalton, T.L. Roush (NASA Ames Research Center), C.S. Jamieson (California Polytechnic, San Luis Obispo)
- 39.12 Laboratory simulations of water ice in the outer solar system
- R.A. Baragiola, K. Sekar, M.A. Satorre, D. Pugh, B. Teolis, D.A. Bahr, M. Fama (University of Virginia)
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