DPS 34th Meeting, October 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 4. Asteroids II
Oral, Chair(s): A.S. Rivkin and H. Scholl, Monday, October 7, 2002,
11:30am-1:00pm, Ballroom
- 4.01 Dust Levitation and Transport in a Plasma Sheath near a Surface
- A.A. Sickafoose, J.E. Colwell, M. Hor�nyi, S. Robertson (LASP, Univeristy of Colorado)
- 4.02 Simulation of Space Weathering on Regolith Surface: TEM and ESR Confirmation of Nanophase Iron Particles
- S. Sasaki, E. Kurahashi (Univ. Tokyo), K. Nakamura (Kobe Univ.), T. Hiroi (Brown Univ.), C. Yamanaka (Osaka Univ.)
- 4.03 Effects of small impacts on asteroid shapes
- D. G. Korycansky, E. Asphaug (CODEP, Univ. California Santa Cruz)
- 4.04 Testing SPH Against Experimental Laboratory Impact Results
- L.S. Bruesch, E. Asphaug (University of California, Santa Cruz)
- 4.05 Spectroscopy and Classification of Mars Trojan Asteroids
- A. S. Rivkin, R. P. Binzel (MIT), E. S. Howell (Arecibo Observatory), S. J. Bus (IRTF), J. A. Grier (PSI)
- 4.06 Exploring the Comet Component Within the Near-Earth Object Population
- R. P. Binzel, J. S. Stuart, A. S. Rivkin (MIT), M. Delbo, A. W. Harris (DLR/Berlin), A. W. Harris (JPL), S. J. Bus (U. Hawaii)
- 4.07 The Cornell Mid-Infrared Asteroid Spectroscopy (MIDAS) Survey: Results from 2001
- L. F. Lim (Cornell University and NASA/GSFC), J. F. Bell, T. H. McConnochie (Cornell University), B. E. Clark (Ithaca College), T. L. Hayward (Gemini Observatory)
- 4.08 Probing the Asteroid Belt with 2MASS
- M.V. Sykes (Univ. Arizona), R.M. Cutri, J.W. Fowler (Cal Tech), D.J. Tholen (Univ. Hawaii), M.F. Skrutskie (Univ. Virginia), S. Price (AFRL/VSBC)
- 4.09 Intuition and Experience: Asteroid Surfaces, Meteorites and Planetary Geosciences in microgravity
- D. W. G. Sears, S. R. Moore, S. Nichols, M. Kareev, P. H. Benoit (University of Arkansas)
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