DPS 34th Meeting, October 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 6. Mars Atmosphere II

Oral, Chair(s): T. Siili and L.K. Tamppari, Monday, October 7, 2002, 2:30-3:30pm, Room M

6.01 Mass and dust transport by atmospheric thermal circulations forced by large topographic features on Mars.
S. C. R. Rafkin, M. R. Sta. Maria, T. I. Michaels (San Jose State University)
6.02 Cyclones, tides and the origin of major dust storms on Mars
H. Wang, M. I. Richardson, A. P. Ingersoll (Caltech), R. J. Wilson (GFDL), R. W. Zurek (JPL)
6.03 2-D simulations of mesoscale circulations in the planned NetLander Hellas landing region
T. Siili, A.-M. Harri (FMI), J. Kauhanen, A. Määttänen, H. Savijärvi (UH/PHYS/ATM)
6.04 Infrared Optical Constants of Martian Dust Derived from Martian Spectra of Aerosol Dust
G. B. Hansen (Planetary Science Institute)
6.05 The Formation of Convective Carbon Dioxide Clouds Near the South Pole of Mars
A. Colaprete (NRC / NASA Ames), R. M. Haberle (NASA Ames), O. B. Toon (Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics / Program in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences)
6.06 North Polar Water-ice Clouds
L.K. Tamppari (JPL), M.D. Smith (Goddard Space Flight Center), DS Bass (JPL)

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