AAS 201st Meeting, January , 2003
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 1. HAD I: Special Topics in the History of Astronomy

Special, Sunday, January 5, 2003, 2:00-6:00pm, East Room (Sheraton)

1.01 Telescopes for solar research; from Scheiner's Helioscopium to De la Rue's Photoheliograph.
P. Abrahams (Lake Oswego, OR)
1.02 "Coronal Science and Researchers, 1860s-1970s"
K. Hufbauer (UCIrvine, UWashington)
1.03 Donald Menzel: His Founding and Funding of Solar Observatories.
B. L. Welther (H-S CfA)
1.04 ``What is a Theorist Doing in the Stratosphere?"
D. H. DeVorkin (National Air and Space Museum Smithsonian)
1.05 Possible Astronomical Alignments and the Interpretation of the Hierothesion at Nemrud Dagh
E. F. Milone (RAO, University of Calgary), Byron Desnoyers Winmill (University of Toronto)
1.06 The Astrologer's Apparatus: The Material Culture of an Astronomical Specialty in Greek Egypt
J. Evans (Universilty of Puget Sound)
1.07 How Bright was the 1006 C.E. Supernova? A Re-examination from 11th-Century Sources.
P.F. Winkler (Middlebury Coll.), M. Kamal (UI Chicago)

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