AAS 201st Meeting, January , 2003
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 118. Rotation-Powered Pulsars
Poster, Thursday, January 9, 2003,
9:20am-4:00pm, Exhibit Hall AB
- 118.01 The Radio Quiet Neutron Star RX J0720.4-3125
- D. L. Kaplan, S. R. Kulkarni (Caltech), M. H. van Kerkwijk (U. Toronto), H. L. Marshall (MIT)
- 118.02 Arecibo Single-Pulse Studies of PSR B0950+08: Inter Pulse and Bridge Emissions
- L. A. Nowakowski (Dept. of Physics, UPR), N. D. R. Bhat (MIT Haystack Observatory), D. R. Lorimer (Jodrell Bank Observatory)
- 118.03U A Study of the Pulsar Emission Region at Multiple Frequencies
- M. L. Boyer (University of Minnesota), Y. Gupta (NAIC, Arecibo and NCRA, Pune)
- 118.04 Radio Polarization and Geometry of PSR J1119-6127
- F. Crawford, N. C. Keim (Haverford College)
- 118.05 Constraining the Orbital Geometry of the PSR J1740-3052 System
- I. H. Stairs (UBC), R. N. Manchester (ATNF), A. G. Lyne, M. Kramer (JBO), F. Camilo (Columbia University), V. M. Kaspi (McGill University), N. D'Amico (Bologna)
- 118.06 Absolute Timing of the Crab Pulsar: X-ray, Radio, and Optical Observations
- P. S. Ray, K. S. Wood, M. T. Wolff, M. N. Lovellette (NRL), S. Sheikh (UMD), D.-S. Moon, S. S. Eikenberry (Cornell), M. Roberts (Jodrell Bank), E. D. Bloom, D. Tournear, P. Saz Parkinson, K. Reilly (SLAC)
- 118.07 Pulsed Emission Energetics of X-ray Pulsars
- A.R. Basu-Zych, E.V. Gotthelf (Columbia Astrophysics Lab)
- 118.08 Pulsar Tori and the Spin-Kick Story
- C.-Y. Ng, R. Romani (Department of Physics, Stanford University)
- 118.09 XMM-Newton Observations of PSR J0538+2817 and PSR B1706-44
- K.E. McGowan (LANL), J.A. Kennea (UC Santa Barbara), F.A. Cordova (UC Riverside), C. Ho (LANL), T. Sasseen (UC Santa Barbara), W.T. Vestrand (LANL), XMM-Newton OM Team
- 118.10 A Multiscale Method (``Sparse Bayes Blocks'') for Revealing Sharply-Peaked High Energy Pulsars
- A. Connors (Eureka Scientific), A. CarramiƱana (INAOE, Tonantzintla, Mexico)
- 118.11U Birds of a Feather: A Statistical Search for X-ray Pulsars in Supernova Remnant Fields
- B. F. Collins, E. V. Gotthelf (Columbia Astrophysics Laboratory)
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