AAS 201st Meeting, January , 2003
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 122. Instruments for Observing Transient Events
Poster, Thursday, January 9, 2003,
9:20am-4:00pm, Exhibit Hall AB
- 122.01 Stellar Variability Observations with MOTESS, a GNAT System Prototype
- E.R. Craine (WRC/GNAT), M.S. Giampapa (NSO), A.L. Kraus (UKans), R.A. Tucker (GP Obs), W. Scharlach (GNAT)
- 122.02 Implementation of the GNAT Network Design and System Configurations
- R.B. Culver (CSU/GNAT), E.R. Craine (WRD/GNAT), M.S. Giampapa (NSO), R.A. Tucker (GPObs.), A.L. Kraus (UKans)
- 122.03U A Prototype Data Reduction Pipeline for the GNAT System
- A.L. Kraus (U Kans), M.S. Giampapa (NSO), R.A. Tucker (GP Obs), E.R. Craine (WRC/GNAT)
- 122.04 MOTESS Solar System Observations: Implications for the GNAT System
- R. A. Tucker (Goodricke-Pigott Observatory)
- 122.05 Tile or Stare? Maximizing Transient Discovery Rates for Sky Monitors Such as SuperMACHO, LSST, and GLAST
- R. J. Nemiroff (Michigan Tech)
- 122.06 ROVOR � Remote Observatory for Variable Object Research
- J.A. Gilbert (Brigham Young University), E. Ashbaker (Pacific University), J.W. Moody (Brigham Young University)
- 122.07 The Pan-STARRS Optical Survey Telescope Project
- N. Kaiser (IfA, U. Hawaii), Pan-STARRS Team
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