AAS 201st Meeting, January , 2003
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 130. The Sun and Solar System Studies
Oral, Thursday, January 9, 2003,
10:00-11:30am, 618-619
- 130.01 Use of Ground-Based Coronal Data to Predict the Time of Solar-Cycle Maximum
- R.C. Altrock (Air Force Research Lab. at NSO/SP)
- 130.02 Preliminary Time-Series Analysis of Super-Kamiokande Measurements of the Solar Neutrino Flux
- P.A. Sturrock (Stanford University), D.O. Caldwell (UC Santa Barbara)
- 130.03 LINEAR Search and Operations Experience
- G.H. Stokes, J.B. Evans, F.C. Shelly (MIT Lincoln Laboratory)
- 130.04D Io's Aurora: HST/STIS Observations
- K. D. Retherford (SwRI, JHU)
- 130.05 The Kuiper Belt Luminosity Function
- L. Allen (Univerisity of British Columbia)
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