AAS 201st Meeting, January , 2003
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 24. Planetary Systems I

Oral, Monday, January 6, 2003, 10:00-11:30am, 606-607

24.01 The Distibution of Stellar Characteristics among Stars Harboring Radial Velocity Companions.
C. Laws (Dept. of Astronomy, University of Washington), G. Gonzalez (Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University)
24.02D The Search for Planets in the Hyades
D. B. Paulson (Astronomy Department, University of Texas)
24.03 The period distribution for exoplanets � clues to the origin of planets
H.R.A. Jones (Liverpool JMU), Anglo-Australian Planet Search Team
24.04 On the Dynamical State of New Multi-Planet Systems.
L. Kiseleva-Eggleton (St. Mary's College of California), E. Bois, N. Rambaux (Bordeaux Observatory), R. Dvorak (Institute of Astronomy, University of Vienna), E.J. Rivera (Carnegie Institution of Washington)
24.05 The Awful Fates of Planets in Star Clusters
M. Shara, J. Hurley (American Museum of Natural History)
24.06D Planet Embryos in Vortex Wombs
J. A. Barranco, P. S. Marcus (University of California, Berkeley)

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