HEAD 2003 Meeting
Session 40. EXIST Mission Science
Workshop, Tuesday, March 25, 2003, Organizers: J. Grindlay, et al.

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[40.01] EXIST: A Deep Hard X-ray Imaging Survey and Black Hole Finder Probe

J.E. Grindlay (Harvard), EXIST Science Working Group Team

The ``Black Hole Finder Probe", one of three Einstein Probe missions proposed for the Beyond Einstein program of the Structure and Evolution (SEU) theme of NASA space science, can be executed with the proposed Energetic X-ray Imaging Survey Telescope (EXIST) mission. EXIST has been endorsed by the recent Decadal Survey and is well-matched in its science objectives to those of the BHProbe as formulated in the recently released Roadmap for the Beyond Einstein Program. A brief summary is presented of the key science objectives for the hard X-ray imaging full-sky survey for black holes that could be conducted with EXIST, which would extend ROSAT (and Rosita?) soft-medium X-ray sensitivities (~0.05mCrab) up to 100 keV and beyond. Galactic black holes in binaries and molecular clouds, obscured AGN in the local universe, Type 2 QSOs in the more distant universe, and the highest redshift GRBs would be mapped and studied with EXIST to obtain a census of black holes on all scales. Additional science objectives and mission concept considerations are presented in the EXIST Workshop planned for this meeting.

If you would like more information about this abstract, please follow the link to http://exist.gsfc.nasa.gov/. This link was provided by the author. When you follow it, you will leave the Web site for this meeting; to return, you should use the Back comand on your browser.

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#2
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.