AAS 202nd Meeting, May 2003
Session 25 Surveys and Catalogs
Poster, Tuesday, May 27, 2003, 10:00am-6:30pm, West Exhbit Hall

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[25.04] CoolCAT

T.R. Ayres (CASA)

\noindent CoolCAT is a cool-star UV spectral catalog derived from the rich stellar archive of STIS E140M/H and E230M/H exposures. There are approximately 50 more-or-less normal late-type stars in the {\em HST}~STIS archive with at least one E140M spectrogram, providing full UV wavelength coverage from 1150--1700~Å\ at a resolution of R\equiv \lambda/\Delta\lambda~4\times104. About 70% of these stars also have one or more E230M/H exposures, covering all, or part, of the interval 1700--3000~Å. Approximately 150 E140M exposures have been reduced for CoolCAT, and a comparable number of E230's, split nearly equally between the medium-res (M: R~3\times104) and high-res (H: R~1\times105) modes. CoolCAT consists of a collection of digital spectral atlases---echellograms processed to the same uniform standard, multiple observations graded and coadded, and adjacent wavelength regions concatenated---and a supporting catalog of line identifications, wavelengths, widths, and fluxes. Semiautonomous line fitting procedures ensure a homogeneous and uniform treatment of the diverse spectral material. A wide range of investigations---from the photochemical evolution of primitive planetary atmospheres, the dynamics of cool star atmospheres, to galactic population synthesis---will be enabled by CoolCAT. The database will reside at the Multimission Archive at Space Telescope (MAST).\\[-3mm]

\noindent This work was supported by grant HST--AR--09550.01--A from STScI to the University of Colorado.

The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: ayres@casa.colorado.edu

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35 #3
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.