AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
Session 93 Stars, Their Facts and Legends
Poster, Wednesday, January 7, 2004, 9:20am-6:30pm, Hanover Hall

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[93.10] Modelling the Infrared Emission from Dust Disks

A. Li, J.I. Lunine, G.J. Bendo (University of Arizona)

We model the infrared (IR) emission from protoplanetary dust disks in terms of highly porous cometary-type dust made either of coagulated but otherwise unaltered protostellar interstellar grains, or grains that are highly-processed in protostellar/protoplanetary nebulae with silicate dust annealed and carbon dust oxidized. It is shown that the porous dust model with a vacuum volume fraction of ~ 90% is successful in reproducing the near-IR to submillimeter spectral energy distributions and the mid-IR spectral features of amorphous and/or crystalline silicate dust and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecules, as well as the images of scattered starlight, mid-IR and/or submillimeter dust thermal emission from six archetypal dust disks: HR 4796A (Li & Lunine 2003, ApJ, 590, 368), HD 141569A (Li & Lunine 2003, ApJ, 594, 987), \beta Pictoris (Li & Greenberg 1998, A&A, 331, 291), \epsilon Eridani (Li, Lunine, & Bendo, 2003, ApJL, in press), Fomalhaut and Vega (Li, Lunine, & Bendo, 2003, in preparation).

The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: agli@lpl.arizona.edu

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
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