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E. Wilkinson, S. Beland, K. Brownsberger, C. S. Froning, J. C. Green, G. Herczeg, J. Morse, S. N. Osterman, S. V. Penton (University of Colorado, Center for Astrophysics & Space Astronomy), R. Bohlin, S. F. Friedman, G. Hartig, C. Keyes, C. Leitherer, K. Sembach (Space Telescope Science Institute), D. J. Sahnow (Johns Hopkins University), J. McPhate, J. V. Vallerga (University of California, Space Sciences Laboratory), T. Delker, D. Ebbets (Ball Aerospace Technologies Corporation)
We present the final calibration results for the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph, a fourth generation replacement instrument for the Hubble Space Telescope due to be installed during Servicing Mission 4. The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph consists of two spectroscopic channels, a far ultraviolet channel that records spectra between 1150 and 2000 angstroms and a near ultraviolet channel that records spectra between 1700 and 3200 angstroms. Each channel supports moderate (20,000) and low (2000) spectral resolution.
We discuss the calibration methodology, test configurations, and end-to-end calibration results. This includes detector geometric distortion, flat field characterization, spectral resolution, wavelength scales, and net system efficiency for each channel. Where appropriate we discuss component level testing and results.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.