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B. A. Jacoby (California Institute of Technology)
Millisecond radio pulsars continue to fascinate astronomers because of the unique laboratories they provide for a wide range of astrophysical problems. We have completed a survey for pulsars over approximately 4500 square degrees with the Parkes radio telescope; this effort uncovered 26 new pulsars, including seven recycled pulsars. Several of these pulsars are particularly well-suited to high-precision timing experiments, including one object which should soon provide the best measurement of a millisecond pulsar mass. This survey, with good sensitivity to short-period pulsars over a significant fraction of the sky, provides a useful tool for understanding the pulsar population. The dense environments of globular clusters are ideal breeding grounds for unusual pulsar systems; we present results on five objects discovered in a search for pulsars in globular clusters with the Green Bank Telescope, one of which has a long spin period. We also discuss optical observations of binary pulsar companions and their implications for pulsar evolution and recycling.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.