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A. W. Cowan (University of Iowa/NRAO), N Radziwill, D Fleming, E Sessoms (NRAO)
The Green Bank Telescope currently produces its raw data as a suite of FITS files, which are then consolidated and pre-processed before being packaged into a Measurement Set (the data structure understood by AIPS++). The separation of data adds to the complexity of data analysis, and we would like to reduce the artificial complexity involved in reading the data. Also, in order to support a broader cross-section of observers' backgrounds and interests, we would like to begin supporting data reduction packages in addition to AIPS++.
Therefore, GBT data must be readily accessible to IDL, CLASS, and other data reduction packages, as well as any software that observers write themselves. In pursuit of this goal, we are currently developing a unified FITS data product that contains the entirety of the data and can be readily assimilated into multiple software packages. During the summer of 2003, prototyping exercises were initiated based on the SDFITS convention, which have led to an alpha-test period now in progress. This poster discusses the process of generating the unified FITS data product and details the current status of the project.
Thanks to the National Science Foundation REU program for their financial support.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.