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J. Grindlay, S. Laycock, M. van den Berg, J. Hong, P. Zhao, E. M. Schlegel, J. Drake, P. Edmonds, C. Heinke, K. Stanek (CfA), H. Cohn, P. Lugger (Indiana Univ.)
We present preliminary results from a deep survey conducted in July, 2003, of Baades window, the low extinction (Av ~1.3) region at l,b = 1o, -3.5o, with a 100 ksec Chandra observation using ACIS-I (16arcmin x 16arcmin FoV). A simultaneous 6 orbits of coverage was obtained with HST/ACS-WFC (3arcmin x 3arcmin FoV), with one orbit on each of 5 fields mosaiced centered on the Chandra poitning position and using B,R and H\alpha (F435W, F625W and F658N) filters. This deep survey is a targeted portion of our ongoing Chandra Multiwavelength Plane (ChaMPlane) survey (see Grindlay et al 2003, AN, 324, 57) designed to measure or constrain the accretion-powered X-ray source population in the Galaxy. A sixth ACS-WFC orbit, using these filters, was centered on the globular cluster NGC 6522, also in Baades window and the Chandra field. The Chandra images in several bands reveal a rich distribution of point sources as well as several relatively compact diffuse sources. Preliminary astrometric matches with objects in the HST images are presented and initial constraints on source identifications are derived from HST vs. Chandra colors. The source number counts and X-ray colors for this deep field (see also Laycock et al, this meeting) are compared with those from other ChaMPlane fields and the galactic center region (see Hong et al, this meeting) to derive initial constraints on the nature of the Bulge X-ray source populations. A compact distribution of sources is also detected in the core of NGC 6522, including several hard sources and probable CVs.
This work is supported by NASA grants AR2-3002A, AR3-4002A and GO3-4033A and NSF grant AST0098683.
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The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: josh.cfa.harvard.edu
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.