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M. P. Bergmann (NOAO Gemini Science Center), I. Jorgensen (Gemini Observatory), J. Barr, R.L. Davies (Oxford), D. Crampton (HIA), M. Takamiya (University of Hawaii, Hilo), B. Miller (Gemini Observatory)
We are carrying out a large project aimed at studying the evolution of cluster galaxies over the last half of the age of the universe, based on deep optical spectroscopy obtained with the two Gemini Telescopes, combined with multi-color imaging from the Hubble Space Telescope and Gemini. We are targetting 15 X-ray bright galaxy clusters over the redshift range 0.15-1.0 and will obtain spectroscopy of 30-50 galaxies per cluster, of all morphological types. Ten of the clusters have already been observed. The spectra have sufficient resolution and quality to derive velocity dispersions and line index strengths, as well as rotation curves in some cases. With this many galaxies per cluster, we are able to measure both the zero-points and the slopes for the Faber-Jackson, Tully-Fisher, and Fundamental Plane scaling relations for each of the clusters.
At this meeting we will present an overview of the project, as well as results from the first three clusters analysed, at redshifts z=0.28, z=0.4, and z=0.83.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.