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M. Angliongto, S. Terebey (Cal State LA), D. Padgett (Caltech-JPL/IPAC)
We present preliminary results from a kinematic model of the molecular circumstellar environment of IRAS 04302 +2247, the so-called "Butterfly Star" in the Taurus star-forming region. Previous near-infrared results show the source has a prominent circumstellar disk, seen edge-on. Data from the Hubble Space Telescope and the Owens Valley Millimeter Interferometer show that this young stellar object has strong 13CO (1-0) emission in a barlike structure, which is centered on the position of the dust continuum source (Wolf, Padgett, & Stapelfeldt 2003). Our kinematic model incorporates radiative transfer to interpret the millimeter line emission data. The results show that the molecular bar is a rotating disk. The results also suggest that the molecular disk is nearly twice the size of the dust continuum disk- approximately 500 AU in radius as opposed to 300 AU in radius found for the dust disk. We discuss several interpretations for the difference between the molecular and dust disk sizes.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.