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C.D. Dermer (NRL), A. Atoyan (UdeM)
Based on joint analysis of BATSE LAD and EGRET TASC data, González et~al.\ (2003) reported the discovery of an anomalous radiation component between \approx 1 -- 100 MeV in GRB941017. If GRBs accelerate ultra-high energy cosmic rays, then photopion interactions in the GRB blast-wave shell give rise to an escaping collimated beam of neutrons, neutrinos, and \gamma rays. The outflowing neutrons undergo subsequent photopion interactions to produce a beam of hyper-relativistic electrons that can lose a large fraction of their energy during a single orbital period in the Gauss-strength magnetic fields found in the circumburst medium (CBM). We argue that this secondary electron beam produces a hard synchrotron radiation spectrum that could explain the MeV component in GRB 941017, thus providing evidence for cosmic ray hadron acceleration in GRB blast waves.
Work supported by the Office of Naval Research and NASA GLAST Investigator Program.
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The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: dermer@gamma.nrl.navy.mil
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.