AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
Session 54 White Dwarf Stars
Poster, Tuesday, January 6, 2004, 9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall

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[54.03] A Search for Variability Among Cool Blue Degenerate Stars

M. A. Rudkin, T. D. Oswalt, K. B. Johnston (Florida Institute of Technology), E. A. Wennerstrom (Rhodes College), J. J. Schaefer (University of Wyoming), J. J Bochanski (University of Washington)

Replace these paragraphs with your abstract. We encourage you to include a sentence acknowledging your funding agency.

Presented here are preliminary results of a photometric survey of cool white dwarf stars. CCD-based times series observations have been obtained for white dwarfs (WDs) with absolute magnitude Mv > +15 and color 0.2 < V-I < 1.4. Several hours of continuous observations have been obtained for each target in an attempt to detect microvariability in the temperature regime where collisionally induced absorption due to molecular hydrogen is possible. The minimum time resolution achieved for individual objects is 10-300sec, depending upon target brightness. In the sample of several dozen cool WDs observed so far, no periodic variability larger than ~2% has been detected. Such objects have good potential to be used as faint (V > +17) OIR flux standards for large aperture telescopes. Observations were obtained remotely using the SARA Observatory 0.9m automated telescope at Kitt Peak, which is operated by the Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy. This research was supported by NASA Graduate Student Research Program NGT5-50450, NASA AISR subcontract Y701296 through the University of Arizona, the Stellar Astronomy and Astrophysics program (NSF AST-0206225) and the SARA Research Experiences for Undergraduates program (NSF AST-0097616).

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.