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R. Idzi (The Johns Hopkins University), H. C. Ferguson, R. S. Somerville (The Space Telescope Science Institute), A. Babul (The University of Victoria), A. J. Benson (The California Institute of Technology), R. Dave (The University of Arizona, Steward Observatory), J. Lotz (The University of California at Santa Cruz)
We investigate the star formation histories of Lyman break galaxies using results from three different theoretical models of galaxy formation and evolution based on the Cold Dark Matter theory of hierarchical structure formation. We use both N-body and semi-analytic simulations. We extract a subset of physical parameters from each of the models including: the star formation rate as a function of time for each galaxy; the distribution of the stellar and cold gas mass as a function of time for each galaxy; and the history of the dark matter halos and subhalos and their intrinsic properties. In addition we extract some observable quantities such as the rest-frame photometry and colors of the simulated galaxies. We intra-compare both the physical and the observable quantities as a function of time for each of the models. We then inter-compare the three models with the same subset of parameters. We present the results of our investigation, noting the most interesting similarities and dissimilarities within and between the different models focusing mostly on the impact that those results have on high redshift star formation and the interpretation of observed galaxies at high redshift.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.