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J. Morse, P. Scowen, J. Hester, M. Beasley (Arizona State University), T. Lauer (NOAO), ORION Science Team
We describe an ultra-wide field camera concept for the Hubble Space Telescope called ORION. The camera achieves order of magnitude advances in discovery efficiency over existing or planned HST imagers by employing a large field of view, wavelength multiplexing, and high quantum efficiency detectors. ORION is a truly panchromatic camera, covering the wavelength range 200 - 1700 nm. The instrument is optimized for conducting wide field surveys of extragalactic and Galactic targets, and includes a filter complement of broad and narrow bandpasses. Science goals include investigating dark energy via distant Type Ia supernovae, galaxy formation and evolution, stellar populations and massive star formation, and the structure and distribution of protoplanetary disks. This poster will further discuss these science goals as well as present details on the design and technical implementation.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.