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M.L. Thaller (California Institute of Technology)
Now that the soon-to-be-renamed Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF) is launched and returning excellent data, the office of education and public outreach (EPO) is ready to bring the excitement of our mission to the public. Pretty pictures are one thing (and there will be plenty of those), but the EPO group has larger goals in its sight. We will outline our plans to make some real changes in teacher education and professional development, as well as impact the way that astronomy is taught in introductory college courses. We also have plans in the works for a national touring science museum exhibit based around the scientific themes of NASA's Origins missions and the search for life in our Solar System and beyond, as well as exhibits tailored for smaller museums and planetaria. Starting later this year, astronomers who have been awarded observing time on SIRTF will have the opportunity to apply for EPO funds to conduct their own educational programs, or collaborate with other established education groups. During our talk, we'll summarize how the EPO grant process will proceed, and detail what specific things we'll be looking for in a successful proposal.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.