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A. P. Sarma (Eastern Kentucky University), T. H. Troland (University of Kentucky), J. D. Romney (National Radio Astronomy Observatory)
Magnetic fields are known to play a significant role in star formation. The Zeeman effect remains the most direct method for measuring interstellar magnetic fields. Due to their strong narrow lines, Zeeman effect observations of water masers provide an unique tracer of the magnetic field in the highest density star forming regions. However, these measurements must be made at very high resolution, in order to resolve the maser spots. As part of a long-term project, we are engaged in VLBA observations of water masers in star forming regions for the Zeeman effect. New results on magnetic fields in the star forming region OH43.8-0.1 will be presented, together with a high angular resolution map of the masers in this source, and a discussion of the shock characteristics in this region based on our magnetic field detections of tens of milligauss. This work has been partially supported by an NSF-EPSCoR grant to APS.
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The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: anuj.sarma@eku.edu
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.