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T.G. Hawarden, L.S. Douglas, G.S. Wright (UK Astronomy Technology Centre, Royal Observatory, UK), M.Y. Takamiya (Deparment of Physics, University of Hawaii in Hilo), S.D. Ryder (Anglo-Australian Observatory)
A 1 - 2.48 \mum spectroscopic survey of 31 nearby IR-bright spiral galaxies shows several spectral signatures of various classes of nuclear or near-nuclear activity. A significant subgroup of Type 2 Seyfert systems (S2s) have NIR spectra dominated by H2 emission lines,probably from shocks, but in some cases without accompanying strong [FeII] 1.644/ 1.257 \mum features. The continua in many, but not all, galaxies classed as AGN in the optical rise strongly to the red in the H and K bands, filling in the strong stellar CO features. The [SiIV] \lambda 1.965 \mum line occurs in both Type 1 and Type 2 nuclei and is commonly accompanied by the [CaVIII] \lambda 2.321 \mum feature. An as-yet unidentified feature at 2.350 \mum may be present in two galaxies. Several starforming and AGN systems exhibit one or both of a pair of lines near 1.19 \mum, attributed to [PII] and [NiII]; the latter may be a tracer of SN activity, but systematics have yet to be discerned.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.