AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
Session 77 Jets and Outflows and X-Rays from Young Stars
Poster, Wednesday, January 7, 2004, 9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall

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[77.06] Young Stellar X--Rays: Chandra Observations of the \sigma Orionis Cluster

N.R. Adams-Wolk, S.J. Wolk (CfA), F.M. Walter, W. Sherry (SUNY-S.B.), R. Jeffries (Keele), T. Naylor (Exeter)

We have recently made a deep Chandra X--Ray Observatory observation of the young star forming region around \sigma Orionis. The goal of this HRC-I observation is to detect X--ray emission from young stars in the region and characterize their properties.In addition, we searched for young Brown Dwarfs (BDs) in the region. The \sigma Ori cluster is uniquely suited to this study; it spans different stellar interior conditions, almost 3 orders of magnitude in mass, it is relatively close, almost dust free (5% of the ONC), the proper age to have a good mix of stars with and without disks and we have measured its mass function well below the BD limit.

Here we present source properties for about 190 detected young stars. About 5% of these stars flare. We have optical colors for about 175 and these and about 75 are coincident with 2MASS sources. We have detected 4 components of the \sigma Orionis quintuplet. We also present the detection of 4 BD sources though there is a sudden dropoff in X-ray detections for cluster members with I>16.

This work was supported in part by NASA contract NAS8-39073 and NASA grant GO2-3019A. This research has made use of the 2MASS database.

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.