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W.T. Ryle, K. Marshall, J.P. McFarland, A.T. Rollo, H.R. Miller, A.M. Williams-Campbell (Georgia State U.), R.E. Fried (Braeside Obs.)
The low redshift, BL Lacertae galaxy, PKS 2201+044 has been photometrically monitored for the past twenty-seven years on timescales ranging from minutes to decades. This object has exhibited long term secular variations in its brightness which extend to timescales approaching a decade. The total range observed for this object is in excess of 2.3 mag. Low level microvariations have been detected on several nights with amplitudes exceeding 0.1 mag within a given night. The character of these variations will be discussed in detail as well as the constraints that these variations place on the possible emission mechanisms. This work was supported in part by grants from NASA, the Research Corp.,and GSU's PEGA RPE program.
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The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: ryle@chara.gsu.edu
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
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