AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
Session 12 Eclipsing Binary Stars
Poster, Monday, January 5, 2004, 9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall

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[12.01] Analysis of the Pre-Contact Eclipsing Binary, V343 Centauri

N. C. Hawkins, R. G. Samec, S. Moody (Bob Jones University), D. R. Faulkner (U. South Carolina, Lancaster)

As a part of our study of possible pre-contact solar type binaries we present a progress report on the analysis of V343 Centauri [GSC 8987 392, \alpha(2000) = 11h 26m 53.3s, \delta(2000) = -62\arcdeg 11' 55"]. The observations were taken at CTIO, 20 - 23 May 2001, by RGS and DRF with the 0.9-m reflector and the CFIM T2K CCD camera in quad mode. Standard UBVRcIc filters were used. Nearly 300 observations were taken in each pass band. An unnamed comparison star (\alpha (2000) = 11h26m47.1s, \delta(2000) = -62\arcdeg 13'18") and the check star (GSC 8976 4973, \alpha (2000) = 11h26m34.36s, \delta(2000) = -62°13'47.4") were used. Mean epochs of minimum light for two secondary eclipses, HJD = 2452050.4879 (2) and 2452052.5425 (1) as well as one primary eclipse 2452051.6599 (1) were calculated. We used the bisection of chords technique and a modified method for asymmetric secondary minima. We calculated the following ephemerides from all available timings of minimum light:

J.D. Hel Min I = 2425301.5304 (67) + 0.58770830 (19) d*E, (1)


J.D. Hel Min I = 2452051.6614 (19) + 0.58692 (12) d*E. (2)

Equation (1) represents a fit to all published times of minimum light and equation (2) is from our present observations only. V343 Cen has a large difference in eclipse depths of V= 0.42 mag showing distortions that give evidence of a gas stream collision. The more massive component fills its Roche lobe and the smaller component is the gainer. A Wilson program mode four solution is presented. This work was done as an undergraduate fall research project of NCH. We wish to thank Cerro Tololo InterAmerican Observatory for their allocation of observing time, and the grant from NASA administered by the American Astronomical Society which supported this run.

The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: rsamec@bju.edu

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