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E. M. Schlegel (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory), T. G. Pannuti (SIRTF Science Center/JPL/Caltech)
We present Chandra ACIS spectra of the hot diffuse component from observations of face-on spiral galaxies. Emission from point sources has been removed prior to extraction of the spectra. Corrections to the spectra are made for the time-dependent gain and the increasing absorption on the ACIS window. The source+background spectra were fit with MeKaL models for the source with a separate model describing the background. We report on the diffuse luminosity as a function of galaxy luminosity as well as other galaxy properties.
This research was supported by CXC grant no. AR3-4007A to SAO and NASA grant NAS8-39073 to the CXC.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.