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T. S. Barman (WSU), F. Allard, I. Baraffe, G. Chabrier (CRAL), P. H. Hauschildt (Hamburger Sternwarte)
Observations of transiting extrasolar giant planet (EGP), HD 209458b, provided the first tests of atmospheric and evolutionary models for the shortest period EGPs. To date, most models fail to reproduce the observed radius of HD 209458b without including mechanisms, such as tidal heating or strong atmospheric circulations, in addition to irradiation by the parent star. Based solely on the observations of HD 209458b it is difficult to say with certainty how crucial these additional heating sources are to the evolution of close-in EGPs. Fortunately, new transiting EGP candidates are being discovered allowing for more robust tests of the theory over a broader parameter space. In this poster, new atmospheric and evolutionary models are presented for a variety of orbital separations, stellar spectral types, and planetary masses. Comparisons are made to the latest EGP transit observations.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.