AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
Session 41 Warm-Hot IM
Poster, Tuesday, January 6, 2004, 9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall

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[41.01] Where is the Local Hot Gas?

B.Y. Welsh (SSL, UC Berkeley), R. Lallement (CNRS, France), S. Sallmen (U of Wisc, La-Crosse)

We present preliminary UV absorption spectra of 2 nearby stars (HD 128345 and HD 127381) recorded with the the HST-STIS instrument. Both stars lie in a similar galactic sight-line through the local interstellar medium, with the former star located within the neutral boundary to the Local Bubble at a distance of 95pc, the latter star being ouside of the local cavity at 175pc.

We find no evidence of highly ionized and hot (T ~ 100,000K) gas residing within the Local Bubble. However, the high ions of CIV and SiIV are seen in absorption in the spectra of HD 127381, suggesting that they are formed at a conductive interface at the neutral boundary to the local cavity.

The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: bwelsh@ssl.berkeley.edu

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
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