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L.J. Richardson (USRA, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), D. Deming (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
We have continued our analysis of infrared spectra of the "transiting planet" system, HD 209458, recorded at the NASA IRTF in September 2001. The spectra cover two predicted secondary eclipse events, wherein the planet passed behind the star and re-emerged. We are attempting to detect the planet's infrared continuum peaks, by exploiting the spectral modulation which accompanies the secondary eclipse. Our initial analysis placed the strongest limits to date on the spectrum of the planet near 2.2 microns (Richardson, Deming & Seager 2003, recently appeared in ApJ). Further analysis of our long wavelength data (3.0--4.2 microns) decorrelates and removes most of the systematic errors due to seeing and guiding fluctuations. This decorrelation has improved the precision of our analysis to the level where a predicted 4-micron planetary flux peak may now be detectable.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.