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K. Glazebrook (Johns Hopkins University), Gemini Deep Deep Survey Team
The Gemini Deep Deep Survey is the first highly complete survey of galaxies in the redshift desert 1 < z < 2. Using photometric redshifts we exclude the z < 1 population and select galaxies to I < 24.5, K < 20.8 for spectroscopy. Using unprecedentedly long 100,000 sec exposures on the Gemini telescope with the GMOS spectrograph and the nod and shuffle technique we have secured high signal:noise spectra sufficient to obtain absorption line redshifts of both old & red galaxies and young starforming galaxies out to z=2. Our sample is 80% complete and has 120 confirmed redshifts with 1.3 < z < 2. We find an abundance of red objects, spectroscopically confirmed to be old populations and not reddened, in the former desert and have determined stellar masses using SED fitting and our K photometry. We find that two thirds of the mass in the Universe at z=2 is in old, non-starforming galaxies and have determined a preliminary mass function. We also find a population of massive star-forming galaxies with masses comparable to present day galaxies like the Milky Way but star-formation rates 4--5 times higher. An analysis of the ISM absorption lines indicates these systems have approximately solar metallicity.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35 #5
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.