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D.J. Wilner (CfA), C.D. Dowell (CalTech), M.J. Holman (CfA), M.J. Kuchner (Princeton)
The main-sequence star \epsilon~Eridani is the most nearby star (3.22~pc) surrounded by a substantial debris disk, where dust particles are thought to be generated from larger bodies analogous to Kuiper Belt Objects in our Solar System. We present new observations of the \epsilon Eridani system at 350 microns wavelength obtained during the commissioning of the SHARC II bolometer camera at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory. The resulting image confirms the ring of emission with radius 60 AU (18 arcseconds) seen in previous observations at longer submillimeter wavelengths, and it better defines the azimuthal brightness variations in the ring as diametrically opposed arcuate features. The substructure in the disk may be attributed to the gravitational influence of an unseen planet. We discuss relevant dynamical models in light of these new data.
Partial support for this work was provided by the NASA Origins of Solar Systems Program.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
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