AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
Session 82 Mass and Energy Matters
Poster, Wednesday, January 7, 2004, 9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall

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[82.10] Results from Recent very High-redshift (z>~1) Type Ia Supernovae Searches

J. Raux (LPNHE Paris), G. Aldering (LBNL), R. Amanullah (Stockholm), P. Antilogus, P. Astier (LPNHE Paris), G Blanc (Padova), M.S. Burns (Colorado Col.), A. Conley, S.E. Deustua (LBNL), M. Doi (Tokyo), R. Ellis (CalTech), S. Fabbro (Lisbon), V. Fadeyev (LBNL), G. Folatelli (Stockholm), A.S. Fruchter (STScI), G. Garavini (Stockholm), R. Gibbons, G. Goldhaber (LBNL), A. Goobar (Stockholm), D. Groom (LBNL), D. Hardin (LPNHE Paris), I. Hook (Oxford), D.A. Howell (Toronto), M. Irwin (IOA Cambridge), D. Kasen, A.G. Kim (LBNL), R.A. Knop (Vanderbilt), B.C. Lee (LBNL), C. Lidman (ESO), R. McMahon (IOA Cambridge), J. Mendez (ING), S. Nobili (Stockholm), P.E. Nugent (LBNL), R. Pain (LPNHE Paris), N. Panagia (STScI), C.R. Pennypacker, S. Perlmutter, V. Prasad (LBNL), R. Quimby (Texas), N. Regnault (LBNL), P. Ruiz-Lapuente (Barcelona), G. Sainton (LPNHE Paris), B. Schaefer (Texas), L Schahmaneche (LPNHE Paris), E. Smith (Vanderbilt), A.L. Spadafora (LBNL), V. Stanishev (Stockholm), M. Sullivan (Toronto), N. Walton (IOA Cambridge), L. Wang, W.M. Wood-Vasey (LBNL), N. Yasuda (NAOJ), Supernova Cosmology Project Collaboration

Distant type~Ia supernovae have been used as calibrated standard candles to measure the combination ~ \Omega\rm M - \Omega\Lambda using the classical magnitude-redshift relation. Extending the redshift range will reduce and eventually break the (\Omega\rm M,\Omega\Lambda) degeneracy, and also discriminate between a non-zero cosmological constant and models of hypothetical intergalactic grey dust. We present here preliminary results from the recent very high-redshift (z>~1) Type Ia supernova searches of the Supernova Cosmology Project. The supernovae were discovered at the CFHT 3.6-m telescope using the CFH12k camera (run in queue mode), the CTIO 4-m telescope using the MOSAIC camera and the Subaru 8.2-m telescope using SuprimeCam. The observations were coordinated with spectroscopic follow-up at Keck, VLT, and Subaru. The optical photometric follow-up was obtained at HST for the faintest supernovae. The VLT and Gemini made possible the near-IR photometric follow up. This work was supported in part by the NASA Space Telescope Science Institute.

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.