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B. J. Barris, J. L. Tonry (Institute for Astronomy, UH-Manoa)
The IfA Deep Survey observed an area of 2.5 square degrees approximately every other week to a depth of mag=24 in RIZ during late 2001 and early 2002. The supernova search component discovered two dozen Type Ia supernovae, including 15 above z=0.7, doubling the sample at these high redshifts. We can further characterize all objects in the survey fields which are photometrically variable on the time scale of weeks to months. The well-sampled light curves provided by the continuous nature of the survey permit us to identify supernovae, AGN, variable stars, moving objects, etc. in a complete and unbiased way, leading to estimates of supernova detection efficiency and selection effects (in particular the rates of supernovae near the centers of galaxies, which may have been misclassified as AGN). We present results on supernova rates as well as a first look at the very faint, variable universe. This work is partially supported by NASA grant HST-GO-09118.09-A and NSF grant AST-0206329.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.