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S.A. Khan (Imperial College/GSFC/UMd), R.G. Arendt (SSAI), D.J. Benford (NASA/GSFC), C. Borys, C.D. Dowell, A. Kovacs (CalTech), S.H. Moseley, R.A. Shafer, R.F. Silverberg (NASA/GSFC), J.G. Staguhn (SSAI)
We present latest results from a year long campaign of deep observations at 350\mum of various pre-selected fields (CUDSS3hr, MIPS14hr, SSA17) to a target 3\sigma of 15mJy. These observations were taken with the SHARC II instrument at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory and much effort has gone into characterizing the instrument, with different sets of reduction software being written. We detail our own IDL-based reduction software – CIRRUS – and the future work to be done on this front. The observation results will be used to place constraints on source count models.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.