AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
Session 90 Galaxy Evolution with HST, CXO and SIRTF
Poster, Wednesday, January 7, 2004, 9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall

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[90.04] STIS Morphology of NICMOS Selected Emission Line and Extremely Red Objects

E. M. Malumuth (SSAI/GSFC), P. J. McCarthy (OCIW), H. I. Teplitz, L. Yan, J. W. Colbert (SIRTF Science Center), M. A. Malkan (UCLA)

We have used the STIS/CCD on HST to image 15 fields previously imaged as part of the NICMOS Parallel program. These fields include several of the deepest NICMOS parallel images. Nine of the fields include 20 of the 33 emission-line objects (ELOs) found in the NICMOS Grism survey by McCarthy et. al. (1999). These galaxies have H\alpha redshifts between z=0.84 and z=1.87 with all but one over z=1.00 (seven of these have been confirmed with Keck spectra). Three of the fields include 11 of the 17 extremely red objects (EROs) reported by Yan et. al. (2000). In addition to the H-band images for all of the fields, eight also have J-band NICMOS images.

In this paper we examine the STIS/CCD (rest frame UV) morphologies of the ELOs and EROs, and compare them to the morphologies of the same galaxies determined from the the NICMOS J-band and H-band (rest frame visual) images. We are primarily interested in the shapes, scale-lengths, and surface brightness of L* galaxies at z~1 and how they compare to their present-day counterparts, as well as the fraction of mergers among the H\alpha galaxies.

This work was supported by grant HST-GO-08187.05-A from the STScI.

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.