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J. Rhee (Yonsei Univ. & Caltech), T.C. Beers (Michigan State Univ.)
The digitized HK-II survey (Rhee 2000, Ph.D. thesis, MSU) was originated as a follow-on to the HK-I survey of Beers and colleagues (e.g., Beers et al. 1992, AJ, 103, 1987). HK-I was based on visually-selected candidate metal-poor stars from objective-prism plates. Unfortunately, in the absence of color information, this selection technique introduced a rather severe temperature-related bias. As a result, the HK-I candidates do not include large numbers of metal-deficient giants. In HK-II, candidate metal-poor stars are quantitatively selected from digitized objective-prism spectra with JHK color information from the recently completeted 2MASS catalog. This approach eliminates much of the temperature bias.
We have begun to survey candidate very metal-poor ([Fe/H] \le -2.0) giants from HK-II, over the magnitude range 11.0 \le B \le 16.0, covering some ~7000 deg2 of intermediate to high Galactic-latitudes. Ongoing medium-resolution (~ 1-2Å) spectroscopic follow-up using NOAO observing facilities has allowed us to obtain, to date, some 1000 spectra (400, 450, and 150 spectra for red giants, subgiants near the main-sequence turnoff, and FHB/A stars, respectively) for the HK-II metal-poor star candidates. In particular, the detection rate of bona fide very metal-poor giants is about 45 %, which is quite encouraging. Most of the "mistakes" are slightly more metal-rich giants, with -2.0 < [Fe/H] < -1.0.
Metallicities and radial velocities are determined from our spectroscopy, and proper motions for most of the program stars are obtained from the recently released UCAC2 astrometric survey catalog. Here we present an analysis of the full space motions for numerous metal-poor stars from the HK-II survey. A comparision of the chemical and kinematic properties between high- and low-halo populations (that is, giants vs. sub-giants) will aid us in understanding the formation history of the Milky Way.
J.R. acknowledges partial support for this work by NASA through the AAS Small Research Grant Program. T.C.B. acknowledges partial support for this work from NSF grants AST 00-98508 and AST 00-98549.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.