AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 118 Reaching Out: EPO

Poster, Thursday, January 8, 2004, 9:20am-4:00pm, Grand Hall

118.01 The 2004 Transit of Venus as a Space Science Education Opportunity
S. Odenwald, L. Mayo (NASA/Raytheon ITSS), R. Vondrak, J. Thieman (NASA/GSFC), I. Hawkins, G. Schultz (UCB/SSL)
118.02 Red Planet Mania: The Public Response to the 2003 Mars Opposition
E. F. Albin, D. A. Dundee (Fernbank Science Center)
118.03 Night Sky Network: A partnership with NASA, the ASP and Astronomical League
S. Chippindale, M. Berendsen (ASP)
118.04 Further Advancements of the PARI Optical Ridge Telescopes for Education and Public Outreach
M. W. Castelaz, J. D. Cline (Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute)
118.05 The Cline Observatory at Guilford Technical Community College
T. English, A. Martin, D. Herrick (GTCC), D. Cline (PARI)
118.06 The Astronomical Society of the Pacific-Creating Partnerships to Communicate Astronomy
M. A. Bennett, S. P. Chippindale, M. Berendsen, D. Zevin (ASP)
118.07 Hayden Planetarium's Digital Universe: The Extragalactic Atlas
B.P. Abbott (American Museum of Natural History), E. Gawiser (Yale University & Universidad de Chile), C.E. Emmart, R.J. Wyatt (American Museum of Natural History)
118.08 The Education and Public Outreach Program at the University of Virginia
E.M. Murphy, R.T. Rood, R.J. Patterson (U. Virginia)
118.09 Education and Public Outreach Programs at Columbus State University's Mead Observatory
S. Cruzen, C. Rutland, D. Carr, M. Seckinger (Columbus State University)
118.10 Recent Activities of the Astronomical Society of the South
K. Marshall, M.V. McSwain, M.A. Osterman (Georgia State U.)
118.11 AstroFest: A Case Study of an Astronomy Outreach Program at Penn State University
C. Palma, J. C. Charlton (Penn State)
118.12 XMM-Newton Education and Public Outreach Program
P. Plait, S. Silva, T. Graves, G. Simonnet, S. Spear, G. Slater, T. Borders, L. Cominsky (Sonoma State University)
118.13 SkyServer: Education and Outreach with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey's Data Release One
M.J. Raddick (Johns Hopkins University)
118.14 Digital Image Processing Techniques to Create Attractive Astronomical Images from Research Data
T.A. Rector (University of Alaska Anchorage), Z. Levay, L. M. Frattare (STScI), J. English (University of Manitoba), K. Pummill (Gemini Observatory)
118.15 Preparing Colorful Astronomical Images III: Cosmetic Cleaning
L.M. Frattare, Z.G. Levay (STScI)
118.16 Interpretation of Blazar Flux Variations as Music
J. R. Webb (Florida International University)

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