AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 3 Space Missions: Planet Finding, Astrobiology and Others
Poster, Monday, January 5, 2004,
9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall
- 3.01 Pupil Remapping Apodization: a 2m Terrestrial Planet Finder ?
- O. Guyon (Subaru Telescope), S. Ridgway (NOAO), Pupil Remapping Apodization Study Group Collaboration
- 3.02 Wavefront Estimation and Control Algorithms for High-Contrast Imaging
- A. Give'on, L. Pueyo, N.J. Kasdin, M.G. Littman, R.J. Vanderbei (Princeton University)
- 3.03 Eclipse: a Discovery Mission for Direct Imaging of Nearby Planetary Systems
- J. Trauger, A. Hull (JPL), D. Backman (F & M College), R. A. Brown (STScI), A. Burrows (U. Arizona), C. Burrows (MetaJiva), M. Ealey (Xinetics), C. Ftaclas (U. Hawaii), S. Heap (GSFC), J. Kasdin, M. Kuchner (Princeton), C. Lindensmith (JPL), J. Lunine (U. Arizona), G. Marcy (U. C. Berkeley), R. Sahai (JPL), D. Spergel (Princeton), K. Stapelfeldt (JPL), W. Traub (Harvard CfA), B. Woodgate (GSFC)
- 3.04 The Visible Nulling Coronagraph--Progress Towards Mission and Technology Development
- M. Shao, B. M. Levine, J. K. Wallace, E. Serabyn, D. T. Liu (JPL)
- 3.05 Planetary System Occultation from Lunar Halo Orbit (PSOLHO): A Discovery Mission Concept
- T. L. Clarke (U. Central Florida)
- 3.06 Sensitivity of Shaped Pupil Coronagraphs to Wavefront Errors
- M. Lieber, S. Kilston (Ball Aerospace and Technologies), N.J. Kasdin, R.J. Vanderbei (Princeton University)
- 3.07 Optimal Shaped Pupils for Planet Finding Coronagraphy
- N.J. Kasdin, R.J. Vanderbei, M.G. Littman, D.N. Spergel (Princeton University)
- 3.08 The New World Observer: Scientific rationale for detecting biomarkers between the UV and near infrared
- S. Seager (Carnegie Institution of Washington), E. Wilkinson, W. Cash (University of Colorado)
- 3.09 System Concept Design for the New Worlds Observer
- W. Simmons, N.J. Kasdin, R.J. Vanderbei (Princeton University), W. Cash (University of Colorado-Boulder)
- 3.10 Identifying Organic Molecules in Space - The AstroBiology Explorer (ABE) Mission Concept
- K.A. Ennico, S.A. Sandford, L.J. Allamandola, J.D. Bregman (NASA Ames Research Center), M. Cohen (UC Berkeley), D.P. Cruikshank (NASA Ames Research Center), C. Dumas (Jet Propulsion Lab, Caltech), T.P. Greene, D.M. Hudgins (NASA Ames Research Center), S. Kwok (University of Calgary, Canada), S.D. Lord (IPAC/Caltech), S.C. Madden (CEA Saclay, France), C.R. McCreight, T.L. Roellig (NASA Ames Research Center), D.W. Strecker (Ball Aerospace), A.G. Tielens (Kapteyn Astronomy Institute, Netherlands), M.W. Werner (Jet Propulsion Lab, Caltech), K.L. Wilmoth (NASA Ames Research Center)
- 3.11 The IGM Explorer: A Midex Mission for Studying the Galaxy IGM Connection
- J. C. Green (CASA, U. Boulder)
- 3.12 AMEX: The Astrometric Mapping Explorer
- R. A. Gaume, K. J. Johnston (U.S. Naval Observatory), AMEX Program Team
- 3.13 The SIM Wide-Angle Time Estimator
- J Pitesky, M Milman, R Swartz (JPL)
- 3.14 Formulating an Observation Plan for SIM
- A. A. Schwartz, A. E. Wehrle (California Institute of Technology)
- 3.15 SIM preparatory science: stability of optical centroids of extragalactic reference frame link sources
- N. Zacharias, C. Dahn, D. Boboltz, A.L. Fey, R. A. Gaume, K.J. Johnston (USNO)
- 3.16 Effects Of Undetected Companions In The SIM Astrometric Grid
- R.L. Swartz (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
- 3.17 Enabling Science Return through Advanced In Space Propulsion Technologies
- L.C. Johnson (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center), J.R. Robinson (NASA Headquarters, Office of Space Science)
- 3.18 Analysis of a Space Elevator
- J. L. Langston (Raytheon)
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