AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 49 Stars Looking Forward to Retirement

Poster, Tuesday, January 6, 2004, 9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall

49.01 Narrow-Band Photometry of Red Supergiants in the Small Magellanic Cloud
R.F. Wing, K.M. Walker (OSU), E. Costa (U. de Chile), M.L. Houdashelt (JHU), D.J. MacConnell (CSC/STScI)
49.02 Surprising Differences in the Winds and Mass-Loss Rates of Two M-Giant Stars: Gamma Cru (M3.5III) and Mu Gem (M3III)
K. G. Carpenter (NASA's GSFC), R. D. Robinson (JHU)
49.03 Understanding the Effects of Starspots and Pulsations of K Giants on the SIM Astrometric Grid
D. R. Ciardi (Michelson Science Center)
49.04 Stellar parameters and radial velocity of the Grid Giant Star Survey (GGSS) stars.
D. Bizyaev, V.V. Smith (UTEP), J. Arenas (CTIO), D. Geisler (Universidad de Concepcion), S. Majewski, R. Patterson (University of Virginia)
49.05 New Approaches in SiO Maser Shell Tomography Analysis
R.B. Phillips (MIT Haystack Observatory), D.A. Boboltz (U.S. Naval Observatory), L.A. Winter (University of Maryland), A.H. Straughn (Arizona State University)
49.06 Observational Evidence for Presolar Grains around Oxygen-rich Evolved Stars
A. K. Speck (University of Missouri - Columbia), A. M. Hofmeister (Washington University, St Louis)
49.07 Interferometric observations of the supergiant S Persei: Evidence for axial symmetry and the warm molecular layer
R.R. Thompson (Jet Propulsion Laboratory), M.J. Creech-Eakman (New Mexico Tech)
49.08 Episodic Mass Loss on the Timescale of Thermal Pulses: Radiative Transfer Modeling
B. A. Miller, A. K. Speck (University of Missouri - Columbia), M. Meixner (Space Telescope Science Institute)
49.09 Processing of presolar grains around post-AGB stars: SiC as the carrier of the ``21''\mum feature
A. M. Hofmeister (Washington University, St Louis), A. K. Speck (University of Missouri - Columbia)

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