AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 63 AGN
Oral, Tuesday, January 6, 2004,
10:00-11:30am, Regency VII
- 63.01 Optical vs. X-ray Evidence for Absorption in the ChaMP
- P.J. Green, T.L. Aldcroft, J.D. Silverman, D.-W. Kim, W.A. Barkhouse, R.A. Cameron (SAO), H. Ghosh (OSU), B. Jannuzi (NOAO), A. Mossman, B.J. Wilkes (SAO), ChaMP Collaboration
- 63.02 The AGN Contribution to the Low Redshift Ultraviolet Background
- J. E. Scott, G. A. Kriss (STScI), M. S. Brotherton (U. Wyoming), R. F. Green (NOAO/KPNO), J. Hutchings (HIA/NRC), J. M. Shull (U. Colorado), W. Zheng (JHU)
- 63.03 Long-Term X-ray Spectral Variability in Seyfert 1 Galaxies
- A. Markowitz (UCLA/NASA-GSFC)
- 63.04 The Contribution of Red 2MASS AGN to the Cosmic X-ray Background
- B.J. Wilkes (SAO), G. Risaliti (INAF, Firenze), H. Ghosh (OSU), R. Cutri (IPAC), R. Gilli (INAF, Firenze), B. Nelson (IPAC)
- 63.05 Circular Polarization of AGNs at Centimeter Wavelengths
- H.D. Aller, M.F. Aller, R.M. Plotkin, P.A. Hughes (University of Michigan), P.E. Hodge (STScI)
- 63.06 The Spatial Distribution of AGNs in the Local Universe
- C.J. Miller, D.A. Wake, R.C. Nichol (CMU), T. Di Matteo (MPA-Garching)
- 63.07 A XMM-Newton and Chandra Survey of Very Low Accretion Rate AGN
- A. Ptak (JHU), Y. Terashima (ISAS), L.C. Ho (OCIW), E. Quataert (U.C. Berkeley)
- 63.08 Optical Variability of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies
- E. S. Klimek, C. M. Gaskell, C. H. Hedrick (U. Nebraska)
- 63.09 Survey for Water Maser Emission in Active Galactic Nuclei
- P. T. Kondratko, L. J. Greenhill, J. M. Moran (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), J. E. J Lovell, D. L. Jauncey (Australia Telescope National Facility), T. B. Kuiper (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
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