AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 63 AGN

Oral, Tuesday, January 6, 2004, 10:00-11:30am, Regency VII

63.01 Optical vs. X-ray Evidence for Absorption in the ChaMP
P.J. Green, T.L. Aldcroft, J.D. Silverman, D.-W. Kim, W.A. Barkhouse, R.A. Cameron (SAO), H. Ghosh (OSU), B. Jannuzi (NOAO), A. Mossman, B.J. Wilkes (SAO), ChaMP Collaboration
63.02 The AGN Contribution to the Low Redshift Ultraviolet Background
J. E. Scott, G. A. Kriss (STScI), M. S. Brotherton (U. Wyoming), R. F. Green (NOAO/KPNO), J. Hutchings (HIA/NRC), J. M. Shull (U. Colorado), W. Zheng (JHU)
63.03 Long-Term X-ray Spectral Variability in Seyfert 1 Galaxies
A. Markowitz (UCLA/NASA-GSFC)
63.04 The Contribution of Red 2MASS AGN to the Cosmic X-ray Background
B.J. Wilkes (SAO), G. Risaliti (INAF, Firenze), H. Ghosh (OSU), R. Cutri (IPAC), R. Gilli (INAF, Firenze), B. Nelson (IPAC)
63.05 Circular Polarization of AGNs at Centimeter Wavelengths
H.D. Aller, M.F. Aller, R.M. Plotkin, P.A. Hughes (University of Michigan), P.E. Hodge (STScI)
63.06 The Spatial Distribution of AGNs in the Local Universe
C.J. Miller, D.A. Wake, R.C. Nichol (CMU), T. Di Matteo (MPA-Garching)
63.07 A XMM-Newton and Chandra Survey of Very Low Accretion Rate AGN
A. Ptak (JHU), Y. Terashima (ISAS), L.C. Ho (OCIW), E. Quataert (U.C. Berkeley)
63.08 Optical Variability of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies
E. S. Klimek, C. M. Gaskell, C. H. Hedrick (U. Nebraska)
63.09 Survey for Water Maser Emission in Active Galactic Nuclei
P. T. Kondratko, L. J. Greenhill, J. M. Moran (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), J. E. J Lovell, D. L. Jauncey (Australia Telescope National Facility), T. B. Kuiper (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)

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