AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 76 HII Regions

Poster, Wednesday, January 7, 2004, 9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall

76.01 MSX Colors of Radio-Selected HII Regions in the Milky Way
U. Giveon, R.H. Becker (UC Davis), D.J. Helfand (Columbia University), R.L. White (STScI)
76.02 VLT-spectroscopy of extraplanar HII-regions in NGC55
R.-J. Dettmar, R. Tuellmann, T. Elwert, D.J. Bomans (Ruhr-Univ. Bochum), M.R. Rosa (ESO/ST-ECF), A.M.N. Ferguson (MPI Astrophysik)
76.03 HII Regions in the LMC: A Comparison of Predicted and Observed Fluxes
E.S. Gerken, R.A.M. Walterbos (NMSU), M.S. Oey (Lowell Observatory)
76.04 Properties of 100 UC HII Regions
C. G. De Pree, J. Deblasio, S. Wells (Agnes Scott College)
76.05 A Galactic chimney above the W47 HII region complex
J. M. Stil, R. Ouyed, A. R. Taylor (University of Calgary), J. M. Dickey (University of Minnesota)

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