AAS 204th Meeting, June 2004
Session 33 Early Science Results from the Spitzer Space Telescope
Topical Session, Tuesday, June 1, 2004, 8:30-10:00am, 10:45am-12:30pm, 2:30-4:00pm, 4:15-6:00pm, 601

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[33.09] Protostars in the Elephant Trunk Nebula

W.T. Reach, J. Rho (SSC/Caltech), E. Young, J. Muzerolle (U. Az.), S. Fajardo-Acosta (SSC/Caltech), L. Hartmann, A. Sicilia-Aguilar, L.E. Allen (CfA/Harvard), S. Carey (SSC/Caltech), J.-C. Cuillandre (CFHT), T.H. Jarrett (IPAC/Caltech), P. Lowrance, A. Noriega-Crespo (SSC/Caltech), A.P. Marston (ESTEC)

The optically-dark globule IC 1396A is revealed using Spitzer images at 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, 8, and 24 microns to be infrared-bright and to contain a set of previously unknown protostars. The mid-infrared colors of the 24 micon sources indicate several very young (Class I or 0) protostars and a dozen Class II stars. Three of the new sources emit over 90% of their bolometric luminosities at wavelengths greater than 3 microns, and they are located within ~0.02 pc of the ionization front at the edge of the globule. Many of the sources have spectra that are still rising at 24 microns. The two previously-known young stars LkH\alpha 349 a and c are both detected, with component c harboring a massive disk and component a being bare. Of order 5% of the mass of material in the globule is presently in the form of protostars in the 105--106 yr age range. This high star formation rate was likely triggered by radiation from a nearby O star.

If you would like more information about this abstract, please follow the link to http://www.spitzer.caltech.edu/Media/releases/ssc2003-06/ssc2003-06a.shtml. This link was provided by the author. When you follow it, you will leave the Web site for this meeting; to return, you should use the Back comand on your browser.

The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: reach@ipac.caltech.edu

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