AAS 204th Meeting, June 2004
Session 37 Solar Magnetic Fields and the Photosphere
SPD Poster, Tuesday, June 1, 2004, 10:00am-7:00pm, Ballroom

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[37.05] IR Vector Magnetic Fields II: Atomic and Molecular Line Polarization in a Sunspot

M.J. Penn, S.A. Jaeggli, C.J. Henney (National Solar Observatory), S.R. Walton, J.A. Ceja (California State University Northridge)

Full Stokes I,Q,U and V measurements of the active region NOAA 10008 were taken from 21-27 June 2002 at the NSO Kitt Peak McMath/Pierce solar telescope using the CSUN/NSO HgCdTe IR camera and polarimeter at 1565nm. The data is corrected for instrumental polarization as discussed in Paper I. Here the initial analysis of the atomic and molecular line polarization data is presented.

Inversion of the Fe I g=3 1564.8nm line data with a modified Skumanich and Lites Milne-Eddington technique is used to measure photospheric magnetic field parameters. A sequence of scans covering several hours of time shows evolution of the magnetic field. Examination of the linear polarization of the OH 1565.2nm shows curious temporal variation which results in a magnetic azimuth radically different from that measured using the photospheric lines. (Similar OH polarization behavior is seen in data from the CSUN San Fernando Observatory vacuum telescope taken with the CSUN/NSO camera in active region NOAA 10069 on 12 Aug 2002.) Finally, maps of the CN 1564.6nm Stokes I line shift show rapid penumbral Evershed flows and a curious signal in the sunspot umbra.

Some of this work is carried out through the National Solar Observatory Research Experiences for Undergraduate (REU) site program, which is co-funded by the Department of Defense in partnership with the National Science Foundation REU Program.

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 36 #2
© YEAR. The American Astronomical Soceity.