AAS 204th Meeting, June 2004
Session 40 Galaxies
Poster, Tuesday, June 1, 2004, 10:00am-7:00pm, Ballroom

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[40.19] Photometric Monitoring of NGC5548

M. C. Bottorff, A. P. Trumble, J. E. Friedrichsen, (Southwestern University), A. J. Benker, C. H. Hedrick, B. W. Peterson, C. M. Gaskell (University of Nebraska)

We present the results of V-band and B-band photometric monitoring of active galaxy NGC 5548. Observations were carried out from 8/29/03 to 2/28/04 using 0.4-meter research telescopes at Southwestern University and the University of Nebraska. V-band observations from the two observatories are combined to produce a single light curve. B-band observations were obtained at Southwestern University. The purpose of monitoring NGC 5548 during this time period is to provide optical coverage before, during, and after the recent HST pointing on 02/08/04. Preliminary analysis indicates that, within a plus or minus 20-day period of the HST observations, NGC 5548 was relatively quiescent on a time scale of days to weeks. During this period, V increased by less than 0.1 magnitudes and B by less than 0.05 magnitudes. At Southwestern University, nightly average uncertainties are plus or minus 0.02 magnitudes in V and plus or minus 0.05 magnitudes in B. At the University of Nebraska, nightly average uncertainties are less than plus or minus 0.01 magnitudes in V. Average V and B magnitudes over this period are respectively 13.58 and 14.42. These correspond (roughly) to fluxes of 13.5 \times 10-15 erg s-1 cm-2 and 11.3 \times 10-15 erg s-1 cm-2 at 5500 angstroms and 4400 angstroms respectively. The flux values are comparable to the low end of values obtained during optical monitoring of NGC 5548 in 1998 and slightly higher (by 0.1 magnitude) in V than photoelectric observations obtained during the intensive monitoring campaign of NGC 5548 in 1993.

The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: bottorfm@southwestern.edu

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 36 #2
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