AAS 204th Meeting, June 2004
Session 79 Intergalactic Gas
Poster, Thursday, June 3, 2004, 9:20am-4:00pm, Ballroom

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[79.03] H I and Metal Line Absorption in NGC 3067 Toward the Background Quasar 3C 232

J.T. Stocke, B.A. Keeney (CASA, Univ. of Colorado), E. Momjian, C.L. Carilli (NRAO)

We have analyzed VLBA observations of 3C 232, as well as archival STIS G140M spectra of the 3C 232 sightline, in order to study the H I and metal line absorption from the nearby galaxy NGC 3067. Previous optical studies of this sightline found three velocity components (cz = 1370, 1420, and 1530 km s-1) in Na I D and Ca II H and K absorption along this sightline, and our STIS spectra show the same three components in the C IV and Si IV doublets, suggesting that low and high-ionization gas is spatially coincident. However, our VLBA observations and STIS spectra only show evidence for the cz = 1420 km s-1 component in H I. By fitting a Voigt profile to the Ly\alpha line, we have found a column density of log NHI = 19.98 ± 0.03 cm-2 for this component, which has also allowed us to infer the spin temperature of the ambient hydrogen in this sightline. We believe that these three velocity components are caused by high velocity clouds around NGC 3067 and are acquiring new Arecibo observations to try to detect all three components in H I.

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 36 #2
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